I'd like to personally thank a Great Friend and Brother to James @ Spartan IT Solutions
and thanks for all their help in setting up my online presence, allowing me to branch out and get myself and my work onto the online world. A West Midlands UK based company with years experience specializing in PC Upgrades and Repairs, Network and Telecoms, Web Design and Malware and Virus removal! Offering excellent customer service.
Modeler's Miniatures and Magic.com founded by Kurt A Kuhn in my opinion is one of the internet's finest sites! Geared towards amazing model builders, creators, and sculptors. This is the place to visit if you want to explore galleries of amazing talent producing industry standard pieces all brought together in one place.If you want to try your hand at a project or even purchase a product for yourself a tutorial and sales area are provided.So if you have any interest in outstanding pieces of art created by extremely talented people I urge you to give this site a visit.